Peppy Castro

"Psychedelic" Peppy Castro Interview

Interview by Roger Zee (07/27/21)

Roger Zee: Who inspired you to pick up the guitar and sing? Do you play any other instruments?
Peppy Castro: As long as I can remember, I loved to sing along with everything on the radio. So many great records inspired me. OMG, it’s endless! Jimmy Rogers, The Platters, Bobby Darin, Brenda Lee, Peggy Lee, Smokey Robinson. I could go on forever.

However, by chance one day, a friend showed me how to play a single guitar chord and that did it. A zipper in the sky opened up and I realized that I could turn into two people. The guy who sings and the guy who plays the music. That became huge. Yes, now I do it all. I play bass, drums, keys, guitar, sing, and engineer.

RZ: Tell me about the musicians and groups you've gigged and recorded with.
PC: I put up some great milestones. My bands all signed recording contracts. The first, The Blues Magoos, turned me into a teen Rock star. We did it all -- tours, TV, etc. Back then, many acts would appear on one bill. So we shared the stage with all the greats of the day. Over the years, I earned awards, gold records and the joy of doing what I loved. Even performed a lead role in "Hair," the most successful Broadway show of the day, alternating between playing Wolf or Berger on any given night. And that’s where I met The Alessi brothers. Together, we started Barnaby Bye, now seated in the Long Island Music Hall of Fame!

RZ: What instruments/strings do you currently play and how do you mic/amplify them?
PC: I like my two PRS guitars for recording and live dates. I usually string one with 09’s and the other with 10’s. The one with 10’s, I tune down a half step and keep the other tuned at A-440. I play Martin and Taylor Acoustics as well. However, my gem's a 1960 Gibson Les Paul custom with patent applied for humbucker pickups. Nothing sounds that good! On my vintage 1958 fender Jazz Bass, I use round wound Ernie Balls .105 gauge. Joey Kramer from Aerosmith gave me my Tama drum set. Nice!

The mics I use vary: the re20 for kick, Sunnheiser gun mics for toms, overhead mics for room, Shure 57 for snare, Neumann mics for vocals, and AKG 414 for certain things like acoustic guitar.

RZ: Talk about what and how you practice.
PC: I don’t practice. I'm always creating so I’m always playing something and challenging myself. However, drums always work as a good warm up and exercise.

RZ: Do you teach music privately?
PC: No. But I'm always sharing knowledge with others.

RZ: How has the Pandemic affected you? What's on the horizon?
PC: I feel very fortunate. Really, I just kept working because I love my studios. So many projects lined up. The Blues Magoos will release a single and video in October 2021 along with an art exhibit at The Kingston Pop Museum. Balance will put out a single and video as well. My musical, "Rockin' the Planet," already won an award.

But the really big news -- "Warhol's" scheduled to open in London 2022 with Sir Trevor Nunn directing. I co-authored six songs in the show.

RZ: Describe your most special and/or unusual gig.
PC: Well, I played so many. One in particular occurred back in the 60's. While performing at the Avalon Ballroom in San Francisco, I saw a guy and a girl screwing in back of the stage while we played! Haha.

RZ: How do you see the future of the music business? PC: Scary new world. It’s not music anymore. While real music's still out there, it doesn't require real musicians anymore. Computer and digital expertise seems the way to go. And then you need a degree in marketing yourself!

RZ: What advice do you give up-and-coming musicians?
PC: Most importantly, never give up if you love it. Stay up with the technology. The more you do, the better you get.

RZ: Do you live with any animals?
PC: Not anymore. I had a zoo at one point -- five cats, five dogs, an African Grey Parrot, a Vietnamese pot belly pig, and a thoroughbred horse. I now have my life back, LOL!

RZ: Anything you'd like to add?
PC: My best to all the wonderful people who supported me and my talent for well over five decades. I am and have been blessed. Special thanks to Dede DeMay for hooking me up with this interview!

YouTube - We Ain't Got Nothing Yet - Blues Magoos

YouTube - Blonde - Barnaby Bye

©2021 Roger Zee

Blues Magoos